User guide.pdf
The indicators you have selected are displayed here. The indicators are automatically grouped based on unit, so that you cannot select indicators with different units for the same diagram or table. Select the tab Graph to view the results. To deselect an option, click on the indicator when the tab Indicator is selected.




You must select at least one indicator to continue to the graph page.
{{::ug.Name | cut:true:35:'...'}}
{{::ind.Name | cut:true:90:'...'}}
You have the option of limiting the list of indicators by using different filters which you can combine freely. You can select filters using the tabs Objective, Theme, Region, Type of indicator and Source. In Active filters you can view the filters you have selected. Click on the arrow sign in Active filters to clear all filters.


Type of indicator




Type of indicator


Active filters 

Here all indicators are displayed, based on your searches and selected filters. The indicators are divided by different subject areas where each subject area is represented by a highlighted colour. The indicators which belong to several different subject areas have a combination of colours. The date of the last update to data is displayed below the indicator’s name. You can choose to view indicators within one or several subject areas by highlighting Alcohol, Narcotics, Doping, Tobacco and nicotine and/or Gambling. You can choose to search an indicator by name. In order to print a list of the indicators you have searched for, click on Indicatorlist.pdf. You can select an indicator by clicking on the indicator.


( {{visibleIndicatorCount}} of {{availableIndicatorCount}} )


No indicators match the filters and search criteria you have selected.


Data loading, ready soon.
{{ ::ind.ModifiedDateFormatted }}


{{context.Name | cut:true:70:'...'}}

Last updated {{context.ModifiedDateFormatted}}

About the indicator

Here information is displayed about the indicator you have highlighted in the list of selected indicators.

Source: {{context.SourceNames}}
Agency/organisation in charge: {{context.ReportingAuthorityName}}
Objective: {{context.FilterGoalsName}}
Indicator type: {{context.IndicatorTypeName}}
Theme: {{context.FilterThemesName}}
Here you can select variables. You can see how many options you can choose from in the heading for each variable. You can select the results you want to view by clicking on Region, Segment, Gender or Age. To deselect your choice, click on “x” in front of the variable you want to remove. You can also deselect all choices by clicking on “x” on the far right. You can select the period you want to view by either highlighting each year or dragging the period list. Tables and diagrams are updated as soon as you make new choices.

Select variables


( {{SelectedCount[0]}} of {{TotalCount[0]}} )


( {{SelectedCount[1]}} of {{TotalCount[1]}} )


( {{SelectedCount[3]}} of {{TotalCount[3]}} )


( {{SelectedCount[2]}} of {{TotalCount[2]}} )

Economic situation

( {{SelectedCount[4]}} of {{TotalCount[4]}} )


( {{SelectedCount[5]}} of {{TotalCount[5]}} )

Select period

{{ ay.year }}{{context.AverageValue > 1 ? "-" + (context.AverageValue + (ay.year - 1)) : ""}}
Here the results for the indicator or the group of indicators you have selected are displayed. Updates occur as soon as you select new indicators, a new period or other variables. You can choose to display results in different types of graphs or in a table. You can see the value of each data point if you move the pointer above the diagram. In order to enlarge a part of the diagram you need to highlight the area you want to enlarge. If you want to print the graph or download it as an image, you can choose from several options if you click on the menu sign. __________________________________________ Key to signs in the tables: 0=Value is zero, B=Drop-out, <empty>=Data has not been reported

Select graph

Display confidence interval
Line chart
Bar chart
Indicator name
{{ indicator.IndicatorName }} {{ datapoint.Value }}